- Obtinerea de nanostructuri lipidice (SLNs/Solid Lipid Nanoparticle si NLCs/Nanostructured Lipid Carriers) utilizand o metoda combinata de omogenizare cu grad inalt de forfecare (HSH) cuplata cu omogenizarea la presiune ridicata (HPH)
- Caracterizarea dimensionala si structurala a sistemelor SLNs si NLCs: evaluarea diametrelor medii si a indicelui de polidispersitate (tehnica DLS), atribuirea stabilitatii fizice (determinarea potentialului zeta), evaluarea gradului de cristalinitate lipidica (analiza DSC), determinarea eficientei de incapsulare a principiilor active incapsulate (analize UV-Vis, HPLC).
- Valorificarea unei game variate de uleiuri vegetale bogate in acizi grasi ω - 3, 5, 6 si 9 (ex. ulei din seminte de zmeura, ulei din samburi de struguri, ulei din seminte de rodie, ulei din tarate de orez, ulei de catina, ulei din seminte de amarant, ulei de armurariu, ulei de sofranel, ulei din seminte de dovleac s.a.) pentru obtinerea de nanotransportori lipidici bioactivi ce prezinta actiune terapeutica.
- Exploatarea ambelor categorii de surse naturale, uleiuri si extracte vegetale pentru dezvoltarea unor nanostructuri lipidice cu aplicabilitate in domeniul cosmetic si farmaceutic.
- Evaluarea unor proprietati terapeutice ale nanotransportorilor lipidici sau ale formularilor ce contin NLCs (crèma sau hidrogel):
- determinarea in vitro a proprietatilor antioxidante (tehnica chemiluminescentei, metoda TEAC)
- evaluarea proprietatilor fotoprotective pe ambele domenii UVA si UVB – determinarea in vitro a SPF si UVA-PF; studii de fotostabilitate ale formularilor cosmetice pe baza de NLCs
- studii de eliberare in vitro, utilizand celule de difuzie Franz
- evaluarea proprietatilor anti-microbiene, anti-inflamatoare si a actiunii anti-tumorale (in colaborare cu institutii specializate)
Experienta grupului de cercetare pe sisteme lipidice nanostructurate ce co-incapsuleaza diferite principii active, realizata in perioada 2008-2016, consta in publicarea a 28 articole internationale cotate ISI ce cumuleaza un factor de impact > 60, 2 carti, 1 capitol de carte intr-o editura internationala, depunerea a 5 brevete de inventie. Deasemenea, echipa de cercetare a fost implicata in 4 proiecte nationale si un proiect international.
High Pressure Homogenizer APV 2000 Lab. Fluid mechanical process that involves the subdivision of droplets or particles into micro- or nanosize to create a stable emulsion or dispersion. Maximum Operating Pressure 2000 bar; Nominal Capacity 11 L/h; Minimum Sample Size 100 mL
Microfluidizer LM10. Microfluidizer tehnology converts fluid pressure more efficiently into shear forces, leading industry performance standards in high pressure homogenization. Flowrate range: 250 - 600 ml/min; pressure range up to 23,000 psi (1,546 bar)
High-shear Homogenizer (HSH) PRO250. High shear process of solids in dispersion and emulsification of immiscible liquids to produce micro- or nanosize particle. Motor 576 W, Speed Range 10,000 to 30,000 rpm, Capacity 100 mL.
Lyophilization equipment, Christ Alpha 1-2 LD plus, Germany. Ice condenser temperature –55°C, 8 bottles of 75 - 150 mL capacity.
Zetasizer Nano ZS, Malvern Instruments Ltd., United Kingdom - with multiple function; estimative particle size measurements by dynamic light scattering techique (0,6 -6000 nm); Zeta potential determinations by measuring the electrophoretic mobility of the nanoparticles in an electric field, by using the Helmholtz-Smoluchowsky equation.
Spectrometer V 670 UV-VIS-NIR, Jasco . UV quantitative and qualitative caracterization; Evaluation of chemical stability of dry-atomized mixture extract powder by determination of colour parameter, Wavelength range from 190 to 2700 nm; Resolution 0.1
Spectrofluorimeter FP 6500, Jasco- determination of fluorescence properties of samples; Wavelength range from 220 to 900 nm; Resolution 0.1 nm
Chemiluminometer Turner Design TD 20/20, USA -Evaluation of antioxidant and prooxidant activity of samples, Precision ± 3%; Accuracy ±5%; Sensitivity 10-6 – 10-9
Photochemiluminometer -Photochem, Analytik Jena - Quantification of antioxidants in water-soluble and lipid-soluble systems using photochemiluminescence method
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) , Jasco, Japan - Chemical composition determination of extract (vitamins, aminoacids, etc); UV and fluorescence detector; equipment under pressure
Franz Diffusion Cell equipment, Hanson Research Corporation, USA In vitro release studies of bio-active compounds loaded into formulation. With 6 glass Franz vertical cell, area of diffusion 25 mm diameter. Stirring speed: 0-2000 rpm.With 6 glass Franz vertical cell, area of diffusion 25 mm diameter. Stirring speed: 0-2000 rpm.
BioSun irradiation system, Vilber Lourmat, France- two UV sources 365nm and 312nm, Irradiation homogeneity ± 7.
Associate Professor, PhD (Applied Chemistry), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2006
Tel / Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93
Dr. Nicoleta Badea
Associate Professor, PhD (Chemistry), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2004
Tel / Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93
E-mails: nicoleta.badea@gmail.ro, nicoleta.badea@upb.ro
Dr. Gabriela BADEA
PhD (Applied Chemistry), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2013
Tel/Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93
E-mails: gabriela.niculae@yahoo.com
Associate Professor
PhD (Applied Chemistry), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2006
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, www.upb.ro
Polizu 1, Sector 1, 011061, Bucharest, Romania
Tel/Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93
E-mails: ioana_laca@yahoo.com
Professional and Scientifically Development
Associate Professor, University “POLITEHNICA” Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Department of Organic Chemistry “C. Neniţescu”.
Author of 56 papers published in ISI Journals (in 28 papers being the first author); co-author of 4 books, 1 monograph, 1 chapter published in an international book and of 5 patents.
Project manager in 3 national projects and research member in 18 projects.
Citations: 255 (without self-citations – Scopus, April 2017); Hirsch Index: 10 (Scopus).
Reviewer: Materials Science and Engineering C; Arabian Journal of Chemistry; Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects; Revista de Chimie; Industrial Crops and Products; International Journal of Cosmetic Science; Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.
Research Interests/competence
- Synthesis of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) and Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLCs) by using high shear homogenization (HSH) coupled with high pressure homogenization (HPH);
- Physico-chemical characterization of SLNs and NLCs systems;
- Exploitation of different vegetable oils rich in w-3, 5, 6 and 9 fatty acids to obtain bioactive lipid nanocarriers that have therapeutic action;
- Co-encapsulation of multiple active principles (e.g. synthetic drugs, vegetable extracts or a combination thereof) in the same lipidic nanocarrier system, for the development of functional lipid nanostructures with applicability in cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields.
Professional Affiliations
Romanian Chemistry Society
Honors and Awards
2017: Gold Medal, PRO INVENT, Cluj Napoca.
2009-20016: over 25 ISI papers have been awarded by the Executive agency for higher education research, development and onnovation funding (UEFISCDI, Romania) for research results.
Dr. Nicoleta Badea
Associate Professor
PhD (Chemistry), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2004
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, www.upb.ro
Polizu 1, Sector 1, 011061, Bucharest, Romania
Tel/Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93
E-mails: nicoleta.badea@gmail.ro
Professional and Scientifically Development
Associate Professor, Department of General Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.
Project manager in 9 national projects, research member in 31 national research grants/contracts and 5 international projects (FP 7, Bilaterale: Greece-Romania, France-Romania, Norway-Romania, Romania-Rep. Moldova).
Author of 4 books and one chapter in “Biocompatible Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Analytical Chemistry”, editor Sea-Fue Wang, Nova Publisher, ISBN 978-1-61668-677-2, 2010;
98 papers, of which: 88 in ISI and BDI journals, 10 in ISI proceedings with program committee, 9 patents and 3 patent applications;
Citations: 398 (without self-citations – Scopus, April 2017); Hirsch Index: 13 (Scopus);
Reviewer: Materials Science and Engineering C, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Industrial Crops and Products, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Journal of Nanoparticle Research.
Research Interests/competence
- Research on selective natural extracts with antioxidant and photo-protective activity applied in nutrition, cosmetics, pharmacology and therapy;
- Synthesis and characterization of hybrid and lipid nanomaterials by spectroscopy (UV-VIS, FT-IR, fluorescence) and chemiluminescence methods for determination of fluorescent properties and in vitro evaluation of antioxidant and photo-protective activities;
- Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles obtained by 'green chemistry' with enhanced properties.
Professional Affiliations
Romanian Chemistry Society
Honors and Awards
2017: Gold Medal, PRO INVENT, Cluj Napoca.
2014: Gold Medal, EUROINVENT, Iasi.
2012: Silver Medal and Glory Medal at the International Saloon Ideas - Inventions - New Products - iENA 2012, Nuremberg, Germany
2016: three UEFISCDI awards for research results: PN-III-P11.1-PRECISI-2016-11648;
PN-III-P11.1PRECISI-201612890, PN-III-P1-1.1PRECISI-201611028;
2015: six UEFISCDI awards for research results:PN-II-RU-PRECISI2015-9-8167; PN-II-RU
PRECISI2015-9-8214; PN-II-RU-PRECISI2015-9-8235; PN-II-RU-PRECISI2015-9-8240; PNII-RU-PRECISI2015-9-8379; PN-II-RU-PRECISI2015-9-7830;
2014: four UEFISCDI awards for research results: PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2014-8-5293; PN-II-RU PRECISI-2014-8- 5682; PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2014-8-5229; PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2014-8-5229;
2013: three UEFISCDI awards for research results RU/ PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2013-7-73680, RU/ PN-II
RU-PRECISI 2013-7-73643, RU/ PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2013-7-73346).
Dr. Gabriela BADEA
PhD (Applied Chemistry), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2013
Polizu 1, Sector 1, 011061, Bucharest, Romania
Tel/Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93
E-mails: gabriela.niculae@yahoo.com
Professional and Scientifically Development
Researcher, University “POLITEHNICA” Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science.
Doctoral stage with POSDRU scholarship at University “POLITEHNICA” Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science (2010-2013). Thesis “Lipid nanostructures having natural and synthetic active principles with therapeutic and photoprotective action” (coordinator Prof. dr. Aurelia Meghea).
Postdoctoral stage at PUB-ACMS in POSDRU project PERFORM/ 159/1.5/S/138963, topic: “Functionalized lipid nanocarriers with advanced chimiotherapic action” (coordinator Prof. dr. Aurelia Meghea).
Since 2011 the research results have been published in 18 scientific papers, out of which 15 published in ISI journals (in 9 papers being the first author). Co-author of 3 patents.
Research member in 4 projects.
Citations: 47 (without self-citations – Scopus,
April 2017); Hirsch Index: 5 (Scopus).
Research Interests/competence
- Synthesis of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) with antioxidant and anti-UV properties.
- In vitro controled release study (Franz diffusion cells); efficiency analysis (UV-VIS, HPLC), dimensional characterization (dynamic light scattering technique).
- Determination of anti-UV properties of different creams based on lipid nanocarriers (e.g. SPF and PF-UVA).
Professional Affiliations
Romanian Chemistry Society
Honors and Awards
2017: Gold Medal, PRO INVENT, Cluj Napoca.
- The first prize at the Section “Chemistry and Chemical engineering – PERFORM postdoctoral students” at The 1st Edition of Research and Innovation Exhibition, UGAL INVENT, 2014, Galati, (Romania);
- A special award, The Woman Inventor Award, at UGAL Invent, 2014, Galati, (Romania).
- 2011-20016: 9 research papers have been awarded by the Executive agency for higher education research, development and innovation funding (UEFISCDI, Romania) for research results.
Research papers
- Badea G., Badea N., Brasoveanu L., Mihaila M., Stan R., Istrati D., Balaci T., Lacatusu I.* Naringenin improves the sunscreen performance of vegetable nanocarriers, New J. of Chemistry, 2017, 41, 480-492.
- Lacatusu I., Badea N.*, Badea G., Brasoveanu L., Stan R., Ott C., Oprea O. and Meghea A., Ivy leaves extract based – lipid nanocarriers and their bioefficacy on antioxidant and antitumor activities, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 77243.
- Istrati D., Lacatusu I., Bordei N., Badea G., Oprea O., Stefan L.M., Stan R., Badea N., Meghea A., Phyto-mediated nanostructured carriers based on dual vegetable actives involved in the prevention of cellular damage, Materials Science and Engineering C, 2016, 64, 249-259.
- Ott C., Lacatusu I., Badea G., Grafu I.A. Istrati D. Babeanu N.,Stan R., Badea N.*, Meghea A. Exploitation of amaranth oil fractions enriched in squalene for dual delivery of hydrophilic and lipophilic actives, Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 77, 342-352.
- Lacatusu I., Badea N., Badea G., Oprea O., Mihaila M.A., Kaya D.A., Stan R.*, Meghea A., Lipid nanocarriers based on natural oils with high activity against oxygen free radicals and tumor cell proliferation, Materials Science and Engineering C, 2015, 56, 88-94.
- Badea G., Lacatusu I.*, Ott C., Badea N., Grafu I., Meghea A., Integrative approach in prevention and therapy of basal cellular carcinoma by association of three actives loaded into lipid nanocarriers, J. of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2015, 147, 1-8.
- Badea G., Lacatusu I.*, Badea N., Ott C., Meghea A. Use of various vegetable oils in designing photoprotective nanostructured formulations for UV protection and antioxidant activity, Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 67, 18-24.
- Badea G., Bors A.G., Lacatusu I., Oprea O., Ungureanu C., Stan R.*, Meghea A., Influence of basil oil extract on the antioxidant and antifungal activities of nanostructured carriers loaded with nystatin, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2015, 18 (6), 668-677.
- Lacatusu I., Badea N., Niculae (Badea) G., Bordei N., Stan R., Meghea A.*, Lipid nanocarriers based on natural compounds: An evolving role in plant extract delivery, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2014, 116(12), 1708-1717.
- Niculae (Badea) G., Lacatusu I., Bors A., Stan R.* Photostability enhancement by encapsulation of a-tocopherol into lipid-based nanoparticles loaded with a UV filter, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2014, 17(10), 1028-1033.
- Lacatusu I., Niculae (Badea) G., Badea N., Stan R., Oprea O., Meghea A., Design of soft lipid nanocarriers based on bioactive vegetable oils with multiple health benefits, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 246, 311-321.
- Niculae (Badea) G., Lacatusu I., Badea N., Stan R., Vasile B.S., Meghea A.*, Rice bran and raspberry seed oil-based nanocarriers with self-antioxidative properties as safe photoprotective formulations, Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2014, 13 (4), 703-716.
- Niculae (Badea) G., Lacatusu, I., Badea N., Meghea A., Stan R.*, Influence of vegetable oil on the synthesis of bioactive nanocarriers with broad spectrum photoprotection, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 12 (8), 837-850.
- Niculae (Badea) G., Badea N., Meghea A., Oprea O., Lacatusu I.*, Coencapsulation of Butyl-Methoxydibenzoyl - methane and Octocrylene into Lipid Nanocarriers: UV Performance, Photostability and in vitro Release, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2013, 89, 1085-1094.
- Niculae (Badea) G., Lacatusu I., Badea N., Meghea A., Lipid nanoparticles based on butyl-methoxydibenzoyl-methane: in vitro UVA blocking effect, Nanotechnology, 2012, 23, 315704.
- PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1761, Safe bio-cosmeceuticals based on vegetable oils and phytochemicals for acne treatment, 2014-2017;
- PCE-PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0111, Bio-active lipid nanocarriers for co-encapsulation of selective vegetal extracts with enhanced pharmaco-cosmetic performance, 2013-2016;
- PN-II-PT-PCCA 132/2012, Innovative drugs with high therapeutic potential from vegetable resources”, SQMEDI, 2012-2015;
- Bilateral Project Romania – Republica Moldova 429/2010, Obtaining of new products for dermatological use based on natural extract with enhanced therapeutic properties, 2010-2012;
- CNCSIS Project no 433/01.10.2007, A new class of nanobiomaterials obtained by self-assembling of some organo-siloxanes containing interstitial embedded lipid nanocapsules with multifunctional proprieties, 2007-2010;
- PNI-61014/14.09.07, Flavonoid bioproducts as modulators in oxidative stress proteomic, with profilactic and terapeutic activities, 2007-2010.