Nanostructuri fluide


  • preparation of different nanostructured systems in liquid phase obtained by microemulsion based on surfactant self – organization at water/oil interface;
  • phase diagrams in micro and nanoheterogeneous colloidal systems for obtaining controlled size and shape nanostructures;
  • preparation, characterization and evaluating of different nanostructures (inorganic/ organic nanoparticles, composite silica based nanomaterials doped with different inorganic/organic nanoparticles and biomolecules;
  • application of inorganic and hybrid nanoparticles for photodegradation of organic compounds, to design biosensors and solar absorbers;
  • development of clean technologies applied to wastewaters treatment.



Balanţă analitică model AXIS, SERIA AGN/C
Caracteristici: precizie 0,1 mg, greutate maximă de cântărire 220 g; greutate minimă de
cântărire 10 mg; repetabilitate 0,2 mg; liniaritate ±0,3 mg; timp de stabilizare 3 sec.


Etuvă electrică MEMMERT, model UN 55
Caracteristici: volum util 53 L; convenţie naturală; domeniu de temperatură 20....300 oC;
microprocesor cu display extern.


Cuptor de laborator CALORIS R, model MICROTERM 1206
Caracteristici: temperatură maximă 1000 oC; volum 6 L; programator de temperatură; putere consumată 3 kW.


Cuptor de laborator CALORIS R, model L1206 M
Caracteristici: temperatură maximă 1150 oC; volum 6 L; programator de temperatură; putere consumată 2,7 kW.


Centrifugă SIGMA LABORZENTRIFUGEN, model 2K 15
Caracteristici: viteză maximă 15,000 r.p.m.


Baie de ultrasonare, model UCI-150
Caracteristici: 400 W, 230 V, 50/60 Hz, 90oC


Platformă de agitare NUVE model SL 350
Caracteristici: capacitate de încarcare 2 kg; miscare de rotatie; orbital 20 mm; viteza de rotaţie 50-250 rot/min; putere 150 W.


Spectrofometru Ocean Optics model HR 2000+ -
Caracteristici: Domeniu de lungimi de undă: 190 – 1100 nm, Tipul detectorului : Sony ILX511B, Timp de integrare: 1 millisecond – 65 seconds


Agitator magnetic cu încălzire LED model RSM-10HP
Caracteristici: frecventă 50/60 Hz; utilizează 1 bara magnetică; viteza de rotatie 100....1500 rot/min; temperatura de siguranţă a platanului 320 oC.


Multiparametru Cyberscan, model PC 300 Caracteristici: măsoară pH-ul și conductivitatea probelor lichide

Spectrofotometru UV-VIS-NIR, model V-670 - Caracteristici: spectrofotometru cu sferă integratoare, domeniul spectral: 190 – 2500 nm, rezoluție 0,1.

Nanosizer, model ZS -
Caracteristici: măsoară dimensiunea, mobilitatea electroforetică a proteinelor, potențialul zeta al coloizilor și nanoparticulelor.


Spectrofluorimetru, model FP 6500 -
Caracteristici: determină timpul de înjumătățire, a fluorescenței probelor lichide și solide. Domeniul spectral: 200 – 700 nm pentru excitație și emisie.


Porozimetru Quantachrome NOVA, model 2200e -
Caracteristici: Tipuri de măsurători: B.E.T., STSA, izoterme de adsorbție/desorbție
Domeniul de suprafețe specifice: ≥ 0.01m2/g
Domeniul de dimensiuni ale porilor: 3.5 to >4000 Å
Volumul minim de pori: (lichide) 2.2 x 10-6 ml/g
Volumul maxim de pori: (STP) 0.0001 cc/g
Folosește azotul și alte gaze necorozive: Ar, CO2, H2, C4H10, etc.


Dr. Adina Roxana PETCU

Young Research Scientist, PhD (Chemistry),
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2017

Tel / Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93


Dr. Elena Adina ANDREI (ROGOZEA)

Young Research Scientist (3st degree)
PhD (Chemistry), University of Bucharest, 2011

Tel / Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93


1Short Biography

Dr. Adina Roxana PETCU
Young Research Scientist

PhD (Chemistry), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2017

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest,
Polizu 1, Sector 1, 011061, Bucharest, Romania
Tel/Fax+(40) 21/315 41 93

 Professional and Scientifically Development:

  • Young Research Scientist within Research Centre for Environmental Protection and Eco-Friendly Technologies from UPB: UPB-CPMTE.

Expert of 5 national research grants/contracts and 4 international projects (ERA-NET/ERA-MIN, etc.).
Author of 2 book chapters, over 14 papers, of which: 11 in ISI journals.
Reviewer: Arabian Journal of Chemistry.

 Research Interests/competence:

  • synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of metallic nanoparticles and oxide nanoparticles;
  • synthesis of nanomaterials with application in pollutants degradation;
  • development of colloidal systems with application in pollutants degradation;
  • phase diagrams in micro and nanoheterogeneous colloidal systems for obtaining controlled size and shape nanostructures;
  • application of inorganic and hybrid nanoparticles for photodegradation of organic compounds, biosensors and solar absorbers.

 Training stages

  • Analytik Jena România SRL, “Training in Atomic Absorption technique”, 09 - 11 July 2014, Bucharest, Romania;
  • School of Academic Studies “Advanced Biophotonics and Biotronics”, 10 - 23 June 2013, Bucharest, Romania.
 Honors and Awards

2016: 5 prizes of Research Agency for Romanian Ministry of Research and Education;
2015: 1 prize of Research Agency for Romanian Ministry of Research and Education.


1Short Biography

Dr. Elena Adina ANDREI (ROGOZEA)
Young Research Scientist (3st degree)

PhD (Chemistry), University of Bucharest, 2011

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest,
Polizu 1, Sector 1, 011061, Bucharest, Romania
Tel/Fax+(40) 21/315 41 93

Professional and Scientifically Development:

  • Young Research Scientist (3st degree), Head of ”Surface Chemistry” group within Research Centre for Environmental Protection and Eco-Friendly Technologies from UPB: UPB-CPMTE.

Expert of 7 national research grants/contracts and 7 international projects (ERA-NET/ERA-MIN, IFA-CEA, etc.).
Author of 2 book chapters, over 26 papers, of which: 23 in ISI journals.
Reviewer: Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry.

Research Interests/competence:

  • designing microemulsions systems with high applicative potential in extraction, recovery and recycle of pollutants from wastewaters;
  • preparation of different nanostructured systems in liquid phase obtained by microemulsion based on surfactant self – organization at water/oil interface;
  • phase diagrams in micro and nanoheterogeneous colloidal systems for obtaining controlled size and shape nanostructures;
  • preparation, characterization and evaluating of different nanostructures (inorganic/organic nanoparticles, composite silica based nanomaterials);
  • application of inorganic and hybrid nanoparticles for photodegradation of organic compounds, biosensors and solar absorbers;
  • development of clean technologies applied to wastewaters treatment.

Research stages:

  • Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Poland, 2008, “Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous materials”.

Training stages:

  • School of Academic Studies “Advanced Biophotonics and Biotronics”, 10 - 23 June 2013, Bucharest, Romania.

Professional Affiliations:

- Romanian Chemistry Society;

Honors and Awards

2014: Gold Medal, EUROINVENT, Iasi.

2016: 5 prizes of Research Agency for Romanian Ministry of Research and Education;
2015: 1 prize of Research Agency for Romanian Ministry of Research and Education;
2014: 2 prize of Research Agency for Romanian Ministry of Research and Education;
2012: 1 prizes of Research Agency for Romanian Ministry of Research and Education;
2010: 1 prize of Research Agency for Romanian Ministry of Research and Education.

Dr. Cosmina Andreea MARIN (LAZAR)

Young Research Scientist, PhD (Chemical Engineering), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2017

Tel / Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93


Conf. Dr. Maria MIHALY

Conf. Dr. Maria MIHALY

Tel / Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93,

1Short Biography

Conf.Dr. Maria Mihaly

Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucuresti,
Polizu 1, Sector 1, 011061, Bucharest, Romania
Tel/Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93

Research Interests/Competence:

  • preparing and applying different nanostructured systems in liquid phase by microemulsion based on surfactant self – organization at water/oil interface;
  • drawing phase diagrams in micro and nanoheterogeneous colloidal systems for controlled size and shape nanostructures;
  • preparing, characterizing and evaluating of different photoadsorbant nanomaterials for extraction and phodegradation of pollutants based on different solid catalysts.
  • development of different microemulsion systems for extraction and photomineralization of different pollutants;
  • design of new self-assembling nanofluids.


- Conf. Dr. Maria MIHALY – Head of Fluid Nanostructures Laboratory
- Prof. Emeritus Aurelia MEGHEA – Senior Researcher (1st degree)
- Dr. Adina Elena ANDREI (ROGOZEA) – Researcher (2nd degree)
- Dr. Eng. Cosmina Andreea MARIN-LAZAR – Researcher (3rd degree)
- Dr. Eng. Adina Roxana PETCU – Researcher (3rd degree)


  • International Projects:
  • Clean Integrated Nanotechnology for Dyes Removal from Wastewaters, European Commision under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7-ERANET-2013-RTD), 2017 – 2018.
  • Incorporated surface plasmons into core-shell fluorescent nanoparticles using microemulsion assisted photoreduction technique, Bilateral cooperation between the Institutul de Fizică Atomică (IFA), Romania and The Commissariat à L’energie Atomique et Energies Alternatives (CEA) France, C2-07/2011, 2012 – 2015.
  • National Projects:

  • Eco-nanotehnologies for pollution abatement and wastes capitalization, (POC - G) 2014-2020, 130/23.09.2016, 2016 – 2021 –
  • Integrated innovative system Materials-Technology-Equipment for photocatalysis and adsorption simultaneous processes applied in the sustainable purification of wastewaters, PNCDI PN II, 2014 – 2016.
  • Sustainable innovative system for photocatalytic self-decontamination of protection equipment, PNCDI PN II, 2014 – 2016.
  • An integrated approach for reinforcement of historical chalk monuments by means of nanomaterials-based treatments – a revolutionary concept, PNCDI PN II, 2012 – 2016.
  • Complex photocatalytic systems for advanced purification of wastewater from textile industry, PNCDI P II, 2007-2010.
  • Assessment of the production conditions of Romanian aquaculture farms in food safety system by approaching the principles HACCP, PNCDI P II, 2007-2010.
  • Comprehensive measurement and control system for monitoring environmental factors in a cross-border context (Danube Delta), Mener 408, 2003 - 2005.
  • New C60 - FexOy - SiO2 nanocomposite materials for magnetic separation, CNCSIS Tip AT, 2003 – 2004.
  • Photomineralization mechanism of atmospheric organic pollutants in adsorbed phase, CNCSIS Tip AT, 2001.
1Short Biography

Dr. Cosmina Andreea MARIN (LAZAR)
Young Research Scientist

PhD (Chemical Engineering), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 2017

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest,
Polizu 1, Sector 1, 011061, Bucharest, Romania
Tel/Fax: +(40) 21/315 41 93

Professional and Scientifically Development:

  • Young Research Scientist within Research Centre for Environmental Protection and Eco-Friendly Technologies from UPB: UPB-CPMTE.

Expert of 5 national research grants/contracts and 4 international projects (ERA-NET/ERA-MIN, etc.).
Author of 2 book chapters, over 20 papers, of which: 14 in ISI journals.
Reviewer: Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Luminescence: The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence.

Research Interests/competence:

  • synthesis and characterization of metallic nanoparticles;
  • synthesis of materials based on biopolymers (DNA) and lanthanides with photonics applications;
  • development of colloidal systems with application in pollutants degradation;
  • phase diagrams in micro and nanoheterogeneous colloidal systems for obtaining controlled size and shape nanostructures;
  • preparation, characterization and evaluating of different nanostructures (inorganic/organic nanoparticles, composite silica based nanomaterials);
  • application of inorganic and hybrid nanoparticles for photodegradation of organic compounds, biosensors and solar absorbers.

Research stages:

  • Vavilov State Optical Institute, “Investigation of optical properties for the lanthanide based nanomaterials”, 20 October - 17 November 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia;
  • École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, “Characterization of lanthanide nanoparticles”, 1 June - 31 July 2015, Lyon, France.

Training stages:

  • Analytik Jena România SRL, “Training in Atomic Absorption technique”, 09 - 11 July 2014, Bucharest, Romania,
  • School of Academic Studies “Advanced Biophotonics and Biotronics”, 10 - 23 June 2013, Bucharest, Romania.

Honors and Awards

2016: 7 prizes of Research Agency for Romanian Ministry of Research and Education.


  • International Projects:
  • Clean Integrated Nanotechnology for Dyes Removal from Wastewaters, European Commision under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7-ERANET-2013-RTD), 2017 – 2018.
  • Incorporated surface plasmons into core-shell fluorescent nanoparticles using microemulsion assisted photoreduction technique, Bilateral cooperation between the Institutul de Fizică Atomică (IFA), Romania and The Commissariat à L’energie Atomique et Energies Alternatives (CEA) France, C2-07/2011, 2012 – 2015.
  • National Projects:

  • Eco-nanotehnologies for pollution abatement and wastes capitalization, (POC - G) 2014-2020, 130/23.09.2016, 2016 – 2021 –
  • Integrated innovative system Materials-Technology-Equipment for photocatalysis and adsorption simultaneous processes applied in the sustainable purification of wastewaters, PNCDI PN II, 2014 – 2016.
  • Sustainable innovative system for photocatalytic self-decontamination of protection equipment, PNCDI PN II, 2014 – 2016.
  • An integrated approach for reinforcement of historical chalk monuments by means of nanomaterials-based treatments – a revolutionary concept, PNCDI PN II, 2012 – 2016.
  • Complex photocatalytic systems for advanced purification of wastewater from textile industry, PNCDI P II, 2007-2010.
  • Assessment of the production conditions of Romanian aquaculture farms in food safety system by approaching the principles HACCP, PNCDI P II, 2007-2010.
  • Comprehensive measurement and control system for monitoring environmental factors in a cross-border context (Danube Delta), Mener 408, 2003 - 2005.
  • New C60 - FexOy - SiO2 nanocomposite materials for magnetic separation, CNCSIS Tip AT, 2003 – 2004.
  • Photomineralization mechanism of atmospheric organic pollutants in adsorbed phase, CNCSIS Tip AT, 2001.